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Deck of Tarot cards on white background

1 hour   / £60

30 mins / £40


Tarot Readings are a great way of accessing how you truly feel about a certain circumstance by approaching it from a holistic angle. What I believe is most telling about the cards is not necessarily what image shows on them when they appear in your reading but your reaction to them. Think of them as therapeutic without being therapy. Your instinctual reaction can lead to an intellectual understanding. The reading as a whole creates something akin to a weather forecast in answer to your query. Remember the cards only expose the path that you are on at the moment and how the future that might unfold, so if you do not like the outcome the wonderful thing is you have been given the knowledge to make different decisions and alter your trajectory with love and acceptance. That is the power of the cards, they put the reins more firmly in your hands.  



It would just be you and I in the room. It is a confidential and safe space where anything discussed or discovered will not leave the room. You come with a query and together we can explore a way to answer that by asking the cards. I use a traditional Celtic Cross layout with a twist to add a layer of more personal explanation. We lay the cards, talk through their answer and then if you have any more questions identify how to clarify them effectively together. If you do not have a specific question you might be more interested in a general check-in about what path you are on at the moment and where that might lead. 



Tarot cards were originally game cards in the 15th Century predominantly in Italy but it soon spread across the continent. There was then a revival in the 17th Century played almost everywhere in Europe except Britain and Ireland. These games are still played today and are especially popular in France. 

The deck of cards we now identify as Tarot Cards in this country are based on these original decks and still at their core have four major suits and court cards. Now, however, we attribute occult meaning to them. The original meaning of occult simply meant hidden but has grown to mean magical or supernatural. There is nothing sinister in the usage of them though and really what these cards now represent are the journey of a person through their lifetime and the trials and triumphs that must be faced as par for the course. 


The deck is made up of 78 cards split into two sub-decks within that. We call these two decks the Major Arcana and Minor Arcana:

The Minor Arcana are the four suits (Cups, Pentacles, Wands & Swords) that run from Ace through to King making 56 cards in total. Each suit represents a different element both of ourselves and nature. 

The Major Arcana are the 22 trump cards or archetypal themes. Like Commedia dell’arte Theatre they represent archetypes of life lessons, karmic influences and character traits that we can use to explore our own life’s journey.

Each card has a zodiac and elemental association and ties in well with astrological exploration. 


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