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Lucy really brought my Birth Chart to life during our online session. She is so articulate and explained everything in such an effortlessly easy, simple and straightforward way.

I found there were so many similarities in the Birth Chart to the typical business personality insight tests I’ve done for work but it was so nice to see it through a holistic lens rather than just a professional lens. 


I would definitely recommend a session where she talks you through your birth chart, she brings another layer of value to it and is a delight to talk to.

Sophie, Brand Manager

Bonnie, Film Producer

I have had both my Birth Chart and Tarot Cards read by Lucy. My Birth Chart was incredibly detailed and she navigated me through it in our online session with complete clarity and thoughtfulness. I felt incredibly safe and comfortable with her, in what is an intimate and exposing process. In both instances, her insights felt spot on and entirely driven by the reading. There was no 'airy fairy' predictions, she is simply exploring and interpreting your Chart and Cards at face value. It's entirely without agenda, there are no prying questions, it all felt completely instinctual and organic. I came away feeling like I'd cleared the fog and had a new understanding of myself and was more sure of my decision. A true gift. 

Lucy prepared the most fascinating, detailed Birth and Compatibility Charts for me and my husband for our birthdays. Her level of knowledge and understanding is incredible; she explained things about myself that I knew but had not quite registered -where to focus my energy and why - and gave me the gift of understanding more about my personality, relationships and ambition and why these should be embraced.


Lucy is truly gifted; I would wholeheartedly recommend a reading if you are looking for clarity in your work or personal life.

Jenny, Owner of Liberty Lane Flowers

I really loved having my birh chart read, such a beautiful and resounding experience. I look forward to putting all I've learnt about myself into practice. 


Best 30th Birthday present ever! 

Natalie, Writer & Performer

It is incredible how accurate the readings are. I wasn't sure what to expect but it really feels like life lessons from the universe. Its just so useful and relatable - nothing comes from out of the blue! I loved discovering more about my chart, I've never really identified wholly with my star sign (which I now know is your Sun Sign) and I realise now it is because there are so many other cogs in the machine which made far more sense! The Birth Chart shows you what to work on, as well as highlighting your strengths. It's so handy to have a guide. (P.S. it's a GREAT present for a friend!) 

Suzie, Feature Film Stunt Coordinator

So glad I went for a Birth Chart reading. Not only was it fascinating learning about the nuances of the astrological world, but I ended up learning a fair bit about myself too. The reading itself was both comprehensive and clarifying. Lucy put a lot of effort into translating my chart and helping me gain understanding and new perspectives. A fun and worthwhile process. 

Philippa, Feature Film Location Manager

As a complete virgin to tarot reading I really didn't know what to expect, but my reading was truly eye opening. The cards were so accurate and I found the whole process very reassuring after such a strange year and what feels like a murky future ahead. Thank you so much Lucy! You are truly talented. Thank you for taking the time to explain everything so carefully. Would highly recommend!

Sarah, Feature Film Location Manager

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